Full Body Mobility Drills- Before Exercise 

1. Neck Rotation
Rotate your neck in these 3 directions.
Up & Down
Look Left and Right
Side bend

2. Shoulder Rotation
5-5 Reps Clockwise and Anti-clockwise.
(one arm at a time)

3. Cat and Camel
10 Reps

4. Leg Sings: Forward 
10-10 Reps on each side one set

Side Leg Swings
10-10 Reps on each side one set

5. Trunk Rotation
5-10 Reps from each side.

Full Body Stretching: After Exercise 

(Hold each position for 15 seconds at least)

1. Knee to Chest 
(Hold for 15 seconds on each side)

2. Hip Flexor Stretch
(Hold for 15 seconds on each side)

3. Toe Touch
(Hold for 15 seconds * 2)

4. Inner Thighs Stretch
(Hold for 15 seconds * 2)

5. Upward-Facing Dog
(Hold for 15 seconds * 2)

6. Downward Dog- For Calf and Hamstring Stretch
(Important: Keep your knees locked and heels on the floor)
(Hold for 15 seconds * 2)

Day 1: Legs

Start with full-body mobility drills.

10-15 Squats Warm-up

1. Dumbbell Squats /Front Squat: 4 kg, 6 kg, 8 kg.... 12-15 Reps * 3 Sets

2. Forward Lunges/ Static Lunges: 5-10 Reps from each leg * 3 Sets

(You can also take equal dumbbells in each hand)

3. Calf Raises: 15-20 Reps * 3 Sets

4. Leg Curls: 10-12 Reps * 3 Sets

5. Toe Raises: 10 Reps from each leg * 3 Sets     https://youtu.be/c2rRaak7iT0

Important: Use only light resistance for this. ( up to 6-8 kg approx)

6. Hip Thrust/ Dumbbell Swings: (with heavy dumbbell 8 kg - 10 kg)  20 Reps* 3 Sets

Full Body Stretches at the end.


Dumbbell Squats

Front Dumbbell Squats

Static Lunges
Forward Lunges

Calf Raises
Leg Curl

 Swing uses Hip Thrust

Toe Raises
Dumbbell Swings/use Hip Thrust

Day 2: Pulling Complex

Start with full-body mobility drills.

1. Dumbbell deadlift: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg, 10+10 kg.... 12, 10, 8 & 6 Reps * 3-4 Sets

2. Dumbbell Shrugs: 10-10 kg (Heavy Weight) 15-12 Reps * 3-4 Sets

3. Dumbbell Bent Over Row: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg, 10+10 kg.... 12, 10, 8 & 6 Reps * 3-4 Sets

4. Seated Rowing Resistance Band: 12-15 Reps * 3-4 Sets

5. Biceps Curls: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg... 10-8 Reps * 2-3 Sets

6. Hammer Curls: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg... 10-8 Reps * 2-3 Sets

Full Body Stretches at the end.

Dumbbell Bent Over Row
Dumbbell Deadlift

Seated Rowing

Dumbbell Shrugs

Biceps Curls do it in exactly this way

Day 3: Pushing Complex

Start with full-body mobility drills.

1. Start Practicing Push-ups in this order
  1. Incline Push-ups: 5-10 Reps * 3 Sets
  2. Knee Push-ups: 5-10 Reps * 3 Sets
  3. Push-ups on Toes: 5-10 Reps * 3 Sets
2. Dumbbell Chest Press on Floor: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg, 10+10 kg.... 12, 10, 8 & 6 Reps * 3-4 Sets

3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 4+4 kg, 6+6 kg, 10+10 kg.... 10, 8 & 6 Reps * 3-4 Sets

4. Triceps Dips: 10 Reps * 3 Sets

5. Lateral Raises: 4-4 kg dumbbells Max. 8-10 * 3 Sets

6. Shoulder Internal & External Rotation: 2 kg Dumbbells Max. 8-10 Reps each side * 3 Sets

Full Body Stretches at the end.

Incline Push-ups

Knee Push-ups

Push-ups on Toes

Chest Press

Shoulder Press

Shoulder Press/ Another way

Triceps Dips

Triceps Dips

Lateral Raises

Shoulder Internal & External Rotation

Day 4: Core & Cardio

Start with full-body mobility drills.

1. Crunches: 10-15 Reps * 3-4 Sets

2. Leg Raises: 10-15 Reps * 3-4 Sets

3. Leg Raise Crunches: 10-15 Reps * 3-4 Sets

4. Mountain Climbing: 20-30 seconds * 2-3 Sets

5. Russian Twist: 4 kg, 6 kg, 10 kg.... 20-30 Reps * 3 Sets

6. Leg Over Dumbbells: 20-30 Reps * 3 Sets

7. Plank: 60 Seconds and above * 2 Sets 

Crunches Slowly without momentum 

Leg Raises

Leg Raise Crunches

Mountain Climbing

Leg Over Dumbbells

Russian Twist


Day 5: Go for a walk or any outdoor activity

Day 6: Optional Weight Training & Balancing Exercises

Dumbbell Push Jerk 10 Reps * 4 Sets
with 6 kg Dumbbells


Single Leg Deadlift for strengthening Glutes
5-10 Reps from each leg * 3 Sets 

Arm and Leg Raises for core strengthening
10-10 Reps Each side * 2-3 Sets
and then Hold each side for 30-30 Seconds 

Glute Bridge 
Hold for 30 Seconds * 2-3 Sets

Single Leg Glute Bridge
Do it for 12-12 Reps from each side * 2-3 Sets

Shoulder Tap
Slowly 20-30 Reps * 2-3 Sets

Walk Out Plank 5 Reps * 2-3 Sets

Plank Side Walk 
15- 30 Steps * 3 Sets

Downward Dog 4-8 Reps * 3 Sets
